Player Profile

Jake Meyer

Player Information
Grad Year: 2025
Position: A
Hometown: Berkeley Lake
State: Georgia
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 190 lbs
Social Media:
Team Information
Club Team: 3D Georgia Red (2025)
High School Team: Wesleyan School
Committed To: Syracuse
Jake Meyer

Player Summary

Jake is a tall lanky attackman with a very strong righty shot who is also adept at finding space for himself off ball. He's able to shoot with his left as well, making him dangerous dodging with either hand. Jake is more of a feeder/finisher than a truly dynamic dodger, but he is definitely athletic enough to create his own shot and his ability to dodge both ways is a huge strength

Overall Grade: 4.42 out of 5
Athleticism: 4.00
IQ: 4.50
Stick Skills: 4.75
Defense: N/A
Faceoff: N/A
Goalie: N/A

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