Player Profile

Owen Watts

Player Information
Grad Year: 2025
Position: A
Hometown: Tampa
State: Florida
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Social Media:
Team Information
Club Team: Florida Lacrosse Club Black (2025)
High School Team: Berkeley Prep
Committed To: Penn
Owen Watts

Player Summary

Owen is a tall attackman with a quick first step and good change of direction. He can dodge and shoot with either hand, although he definitely favors his right most of the time. His field vision has improved, and he's adept at finding his teammates off his dodges. I'd like to see him improve his off ball movement to get himself open for more easy shots

Overall Grade: 4.17 out of 5
Athleticism: 4.50
IQ: 4.00
Stick Skills: 4.00
Defense: N/A
Faceoff: N/A
Goalie: N/A

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