Player Profile

Olivia Prosper

Player Information
Grad Year: 2025
Position: A
Hometown: Salt Lake City
State: Utah
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130 lbs
Social Media:
Team Information
Club Team: Tenacity Project POB (2025)
High School Team: Juan Diego Catholic
Committed To: Stanford
Olivia Prosper

Player Summary

Olivia is extraordinary from X, where she can out dodge her opponents and seal them off to get the inside crease roll with great shot placement. She is dynamic with both hands and always keeps her head up while driving to cage to dish off the pass to an open teammate. She works hard to get the best angle on cage and isn’t afraid of the contact inside the 8. Her stellar footwork makes it difficult for defenders to stay marked on her. She will continue to keep her defensive stance and work her opponent towards the sideline in the redefend. Her ability to handle pressure in double teams and keeping good stick protection shielding it from defenders is superb. Her shot fakes and hesitation are outstanding at baiting the goalie and then finishing the ball with creative shots.

Overall Grade: 4.75 out of 5
Athleticism: 4.75
IQ: 4.75
Stick Skills: 4.75
Defense: N/A
Faceoff: N/A
Goalie: N/A

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